Bluestacks mobile app
Bluestacks mobile app

bluestacks mobile app

You can also find the PIN on App Player by clicking on the “Settings” icon in the lower right corner of the navigation bar. The app will ask you to enter a PIN that was sent to you via email. By default, you get a number of apps to try out right away such as Barnes & Noble’s Nook app, Documents To Go, Evernote, Fruit Ninja Free, Pulse, and StumbleUpon.īlueStacks Cloud ConnectIf you want to receive SMS messages and put the same apps on your phone onto App Player on your desktop, you need to download BlueStacks’ Cloud Connect free companion app from Google Play.

bluestacks mobile app

Launch AppsīlueStacks App Player start screen Once you’ve entered your Android device details, you are ready to go, and you can start using the app. In my tests, I did not receive an SMS, but all the information I needed to sync my device was contained in the email. BlueStacks will then send you an email and SMS message detailing how to sync your phone with App Player. You will then be prompted for an email address and your telephone number including country code.

bluestacks mobile app

Setting BlueStacks up with your Android phoneThe set-up process is pretty straightforward, but Android smartphone owners will want to be sure they click the “Yes” radio button saying they have an Android phone. The program takes a few minutes to install as it grabs most of the app’s required files and other information from online. NET framework 3.5, you will be prompted to download that utility before App Player will install. BlueStacks download pageTo download the App Player beta grab it from the BlueStacks site by clicking on the “Download Now” button on the landing page and run the.

Bluestacks mobile app